Principal Investigators

Anna I. Rosenzweig
(9/2017 - 9/2024)
Senior Research Scientist at New York University. Her research lies at the intersection of gravitational theory and cosmology. She uses the tools of both general relativity and quantum field theory to study different models of the universe with the aim of ultimately developing an improved cosmology that provides an explanation of current observational data.

Paul J. Steinhardt
Albert Einstein Professor in Science at Princeton University. His research spans problems in particle physics, astrophysics, cosmology, condensed matter physics and geophysics. He is one of the architects of the inflationary theory. More recently, he proposed the "ekpyrotic model" of the universe, a radical alternative to big bang/inflationary cosmology. He also introduced the concept of ‘quintessence’ and various novel models for dark matter, including self-interacting dark matter.

David Garfinkle
Professor of Physics at Oakland University. His research is in numerical relativity: the use of computer simulations to study the properties of singularities, critical gravitational collapse, cosmic censorship, and the evolution of inhomogeneities in the early universe.

V. (Slava) Mukhanov
Professor of Physics at Ludwig-Maximilians University. His research interests include inflationary and bouncing models of the early universe, cosmic microwave background fluctuations, dark energy, quantum and classical black holes, and quantum cosmology.

Frans Pretorius
Professor of Physics at Princeton University. His research focus is general relativity. He uses numerical solution methods to study the dynamical strong-field regime of the theory, including gravitational-wave sources, black holes, and cosmological singularities.
Postdoctoral Fellows
Graduate Students
Senior Thesis Students

Elliot Davies
Princeton University
Class of 2020.

Oriel Farajun
Princeton University
Class of 2020.

Minsu Park
Princeton University
Class of 2020.

Timo Kist
MPI for Gravitational Physics
Class of 2022.

Cosmin Andrei
Princeton University
Class of 2022.
Junior Thesis Students

Iryna Glushchenko
Princeton University
Class of 2020.

Gabriele Montefalcone
Princeton University
Class of 2020.